Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have feedback or would like to suggest an Affiliate.
If you have a complaint about your Companion Card not being recognised or if you have a problem with access or unfair treatment at venues/activities, you should talk first to the manager or owner of the organisation/Affiliate. If you are still not satisfied, please contact the WA Companion Card Program. We will handle your complaint fairly and as quickly as possible.
You can make the complaint yourself or family members, friends or someone else can make the complaint on your behalf but we cannot speak to anyone about your application unless you give us permission.
We will keep information confidential, however some serious complaints might have to be discussed with another service, for example the police or another government organisation.
We will make sure the reasons for any decisions that are made to be explained to you or your advocate.
If you were not approved for a card, you can submit an appeal by contacting the WA Companion Card Program.
It is important that all people are treated with respect. Bullying or insulting behaviour, including verbal and non-verbal aggression, abusive, threatening or derogatory language or intimidation is unacceptable.