Applying for a Companion Card
Please start by downloading the Companion Card Application form in PDF format, (1.6 MB, best suited for printing and completing on paper, or for completing on a computer).
If you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, you can contact us to request an application form in an accessible Word document.
Step 1. Complete Section 1 of the application form (please note that the applicant is the person with disability).
Step 2. Get two identical high-quality colour passport-sized photographs of the applicant (details of acceptable photos are available on the form).
Step 3. Take the form and photos for verification to a specified health professional or service provider (a list is provided on the form) to complete Section 2.
Step 4. Attach verified photographs to the form.
Step 5. Return your completed form, verified photos and supporting documents (such as copies of Functional Capacity Assessment report, recent diagnostic reports, etc) to:
Companion Card Applications
Reply Paid 184
Northbridge WA 6865

- Please allow approximately 20 working days for processing (this may increase during peak periods).
- Applications will be assessed against the four eligibility criteria. The people involved in your application may be contacted for additional information.
- If your application is approved, a Companion Card will be sent to you by post. If your application is not successful, you will receive a letter advising you of the outcome.
Contact details
Telephone: 1800 617 337